1. When credit cards first came out, single and divorced women had to get a male co-signer in order to get one. This ended with the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974.
  2. Until 1975, it was legal to ban women from juries. In 1879, the Supreme Court supported the common law restriction based on “defect of sex”.  It was felt that women should not be exposed to potentially gory details of crimes and that they might be sympathetic toward criminals. 
  3. In the 1920’s, women could be arrested for showing too much skin at the beach. Men monitored the bathing suits with tape measures.
  4. Until 1964, pregnant women could be fired. Congress did not grant pregnant women full rights and benefits until the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978.
  5. Until the Griswold v. Connecticut case of 1965, married couples were banned from using contraceptives in most states. The distribution of birth control to singles was illegal until 1972.
  6. Women smoking in public was banned in many cities until the 1920’s.


Categories: Anecdote


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