Gen. John Burgoyne had a brilliant plan to march from Canada into New York and cut the New England colonies off from the rest.  Divide and conquer – a tried and true tactic.  And it would be so easy because his British army with its ferocious Indian allies could easily handle the country bumpkins that stood in his way.  He underestimated them and the wilderness he would have to march through.  The roads were bad enough without those pesky colonials felling trees along the path and blocking streams to flood areas.  This slowed Burgoyne considerably and it did not help that Gentleman Johnny insisted on bringing thirty carts of personal baggage.  He loved his comforts like silver plate, vintage wines, and extensive wardrobe for himself and his mistress.  His journey ended at a place called Saratoga where he was forced to surrender to the rebels.

–  Whitcomb 150


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