Heraclitus was a famous Greek philosopher.  He lived from 535-475 B.C.  He believed that the Universe was constantly changing, hence his quote:  “No man ever steps in the same river twice”.  He formulated the “unity of opposites” which is the belief that the Universe consists of paired opposites.  Heraclitus was a strange dude.  He did not like people and spent much of his life wandering the wilderness living off wild plants.  He eventually came down with a disease called “dropsy”.  It is a painful ailment that involves fluid accumulating under your skin.  When doctors could offer no cure, Heraclitus decided to cure himself by covering his body in cow manure.  He figured the manure would draw the fluids out.  Once he covered himself, he went to lay in the sun so the manure would dry.  It did dry, but unfortunately it immobilized him as though he was in a cast.  Wild dogs came along and ate him.


Categories: Anecdote


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