In 1968, during the Cold War, the Soviet nuclear sub K-129 sank in the middle of the Pacific.  It came to rest 16,000 feet down.  Soviet attempts to locate it were unsuccessful and they gave up.  A few months later, the USS  Halibut, using a robot with cameras, was able to locate the sub.  If only the sub could be recovered, it would hold a treasure trove of secret information about Soviet subs.  In 1970, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger green-lit Operation Azorian to get the sub.  The CIA had a special salvage ship called the Glomar Explorer built for $800 million ($3.9 billion in today’s money).  The cover story was it was mining manganese from the bottom.  The ship had a giant mechanical claw to grasp the sub and then it would be reeled in.  In 1974, the attempted recovery took place.  Unfortunately, on the way up, the sub broke in two and only one half was recovered.  It contained two nuclear torpedoes and most of the crew.  They were given a decent burial at sea.  The operation was not a complete success, but it is possible that code books and other items might have been acquired.  We may never know.

                                               The Glomar Explorer


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